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Trusteer Helps Financial Institutions Comply with New FFIEC Guidance for Internet Banking using One Platform

July 2011 by Marc Jacob

Trusteer, a provider of secure web access services, today announced that its intelligence-based online fraud prevention architecture enables financial institutions to comply with the new online banking security guidance issued Tuesday by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). Trusteer’s security research service supplies financial institutions with real-time intelligence on attacks for risk assessments, while Trusteer Rapport and Trusteer Pinpoint provide two layers of fraud prevention controls (anti-malware and anomaly detection, respectively) cited in the guidelines. Formal assessments for compliance with the new guidance will begin in January 2012.

Trusteer is the only vendor to provide intelligence-based security that is deployed at different layers of online banking processes. In the past year, the Trusteer risk analysis service discovered, named, warned and protected financial institutions against new crimeware platforms including SunSpot and OddJob. The Trusteer service can dynamically adapt to changing threats and deploys very quickly. It can be made mandatory for high risk users and transactions or all users, scales to multiple online banking channels (such as business banking, retail banking and mobile banking), and does not require any changes in the way customers bank online. It is proven to provide definitive protection against the most dangerous financial malware such as Zeus and SpyEye. More than 150 financial institutions around the world rely on Trusteer to prevent online fraud.

Trusteer Provides Compliance on Several Fronts

Trusteer provides the following six independent controls, which are complementary, integrated and centrally managed:

· Trusteer Rapport – a lightweight security software solution that protects web communication between a bank and its customers against malware and phishing.

· Trusteer Mobile – a security service for smart phones and tablets such as iPhone, iPad, and Android that protects mobile communication between a bank and its customers.

· Trusteer Pinpoint – a login and transaction monitoring system that provides real time anomaly detection of malware activity.

· Trusteer Carbon Copy – a real-time login monitoring service that can identify when a user’s credentials have been compromised by a Phishing attack.

· Trusteer Flashlight – a service that enables banks to perform ongoing risk analysis and remotely investigate malware related fraud incidents easily and quickly.

· Trusteer Risk Analysis – a service that monitors fraudsters and their activity against financial institutions. It presents a clear and elaborate picture of the attacks targeting individual banks as well as threats to the industry and other financial institutions in the region.

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