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Microsemi Aims to Solve Most Challenging Cyber Security Issues with Formation of a Security Center of Excellence

September 2015 by Marc Jacob

Microsemi Corporation announced the formation of a Security Center of Excellence in response to rapidly evolving cyber security threats in the connected world. Staffed with a team of security and systems analysts, as well as cryptography, hardware and software engineers, the Security Center of Excellence proactively addresses the most critical security issues across multiple vertical markets to provide additional value for its customers, while also taking a leadership role to create a safer, more secure world.

Microsemi’s rich heritage in security technologies was founded from its long-term efforts in providing high-grade security solutions for defense-based applications, with a focus on cryptography and security firmware, software and hardware solutions for the most challenging information assurance and anti-tamper needs. The company’s capabilities have expanded significantly over time to also include the industry’s most secure field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) with differential power analysis (DPA)-certified countermeasures and layered cryptographic controls, allowing for true supply chain assurance and system authentication. Microsemi’s security solutions include cryptography and the company’s enhanced WhiteboxCRYPTO™ software providing even greater security, anti-tamper and key management IP, secure and rugged solid state drives (SSDs) protecting data at rest, secure synchronous time-generating solutions to protect critical communications infrastructure, and Ethernet security products to protect data in motion.

More information on the Security Center of Excellence is available at All Microsemi security products and services are now available to customers in every market through the Security Center of Excellence, including:

Microsemi’s Risk Assessment Services
Microsemi’s system penetration testing evaluates a customer’s system in detail to access critical system data/functions, discover vulnerabilities, enumerate threats, and outline the likelihood and consequence of system compromise. These services, performed by engineers experienced in attack tree modeling, reverse engineering and exploitation tools and techniques, provide the basis for protection planning and security engineering services. System risk assessments supply information helpful in analyzing costs and benefits, and assist in making critical security decisions to mitigate threats with minimal impact to program cost or schedule.

Microsemi’s Protection Planning Services
Using a risk assessment and any other compiled data, customers receive a report with protection implementation cost estimates, presentation materials and a protection design document. This report describes how to mitigate identified system vulnerabilities and ensure successful verification and validation of the system. All possible mitigations will be considered and proposed including hardware, firmware / IP, or software. In addition, protection evaluation services review the security of customers’ protection designs to document residual vulnerabilities in the exposed system.

Microsemi’s Red and Blue Teaming Services
The company’s red teaming services start with a black-box approach, pitting experienced reverse engineers with state-of-the-art attack tools against a customer’s system in a deployed setting. Results from a red teaming services engagement can reveal vulnerabilities not otherwise found during most other evaluation exercises. Blue teaming services use the same experienced engineers, but provide them with full access to documentation, architecture diagrams and other engineering expertise. A blue teaming approach typically reveals flaws in protection design or protection implementation.

Microsemi’s Security Engineering Services
Microsemi’s dedicated engineering team specializes in tools, processes and methods required to design, implement, test and adapt existing systems to ever-changing environments. The company’s services may be employed to implement protection designs or to consult with government information assurance and anti-tamper experts within Microsemi’s resource network. Additionally, engineers can develop custom security solutions and novel protection mechanisms unique to a customer’s product.

Microsemi’s Side-channel Analysis & Mitigation
Microsemi utilizes a DPA testing framework and workstation platform for evaluation of side-channel threats. The testing platform offers measureable, objective and repeatable testing for resistance to side-channel attacks across all applications where tamper resistance is critical. Microsemi has the only Cryptography Research, Inc. (CRI)-accredited independent DPA testing laboratory headquartered in the U.S.

Upcoming Microsemi Security Forum & Webinars
As defense-grade services are an important aspect of security design, Microsemi is offering a Security Forum on Oct. 1 at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport, as well as a series of webinars on the subject to its broad array of current and future customers across multiple markets, including industrial and commercial, automotive, medical and aviation. To register for Microsemi’s Security Forum, visit

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