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ENISA’s Management Board elects its new Chair and Deputy

June 2023 by Marc Jacob

Fabienne Tegeler (Germany) is the new chair of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)’s Management Board. The Agency warmly welcomes her and thanks outgoing chair Jean-Baptiste Demaison (France).

Fabienne Tegeler (Germany), Head of Section Client Management and Legal Affairs at the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), recently joined as the German member of the ENISA’s Management Board. ENISA will benefit from her extensive experience within BSI and the Interior Ministry of the German State of Hessen, as well as the experience as German National Liaison Officer to ENISA. Ms Tegeler is the sixth chair and the third female since the ENISA establishment.

Stefan Lee (Finland) was elected as vice-chair.

ENISA warmly thanks outgoing chair Jean-Baptiste Demaison (France) for his commitment and relentless guidance since he took the role in 2016 and for his support of the development of the Agency. This is specifically true in relation to his contribution to support the adoption and implementation of the Cybersecurity Act which came into force in 2019.

The Agency also thanks outgoing vice-chair Krzysztof Silicki (Poland) for the years of valuable contributions to the work of ENISA.

Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), Juhan Lepassaar, said: “I consider myself very fortunate to have worked with Jean-Baptiste and Krzysztof. They have been great inspirations to me and I would like to thank them for their trust. The Agency will continue the substantial work to deliver on the provisions of the Cybersecurity Act. I am now eager to work with Fabienne Tegeler and Stefan Lee to continue to improve the efficiency of the Agency in order to achieve its mission of a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union.”

Outgoing ENISA Management Board Chair, Jean-Baptiste Demaison, said: “First of all, I would like to congratulate Fabienne Tegeler and Stefan Lee for the election as Chair and Deputy Chair of the Management Board. Chairing the Management Board of ENISA for 7 years has been a privilege and I wish them the best for this new opening era. I would also like to thank all members of the Management Board for their continuous trust and commitment as well as ENISA’s Executive Director Juhan Lepassaar, for the excellent cooperation towards making ENISA the highly efficient and impactful Agency it is today. ENISA has become a central player in designing and implementing cybersecurity public policies across Europe and I am confident that it will manage to continue to meet the challenges ahead, including outside the sole realm of cybersecurity, as illustrated with the recent adoption of an ambitious climate neutrality action plan which I made a priority in face of the need to quickly and drastically reduce ENISA’s Greenhouse gas emissions. My final thanks go to the staff of the Agency who are the soul and the strength of this Agency”.

Fabienne Tegeler, ENISA new Management Board Chair, said: “It is an immense honour to be elected as new Chair to the EU Agency for Cybersecurity. I have had the pleasure of working with ENISA colleagues and the Management Board members who have devoted themselves to improving cybersecurity across Europe. I look forward to the next four years to support the Agency in dealing with the cyber challenges of the future, and to working closely with the newly elected and esteemed peer, vice chair Stefan Lee from the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications”.

ENISA Management Board: who are its members and what are their role?

The Management Board of ENISA is composed of representatives from each Member States and from the European Commission. The term of office of the members of the Management Board and their alternates shall be four years. That term shall be renewable.

The main role of the Board is to approve the Agency’s work programme but it also establishes the budget of the Agency and verifies its execution. Another essential role of the Board is to appoint the Executive Director, and adopt appropriate financial rules. The Management Board thus ensures that the Agency sets the conditions necessary for its tasks to be delivered as provided for in the Cybersecurity Act.

What is the role of the Management Board Chair?

The role of the Chair consists in setting the agendas of meetings and defining priorities. The Chair convenes the meetings and can hold extraordinary meetings at his/her discretion, upon the request of the European Commission, or at the request of at least one third of the members.

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