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New research has revealed the countries most (and least) at risk of cybercrime.

October 2023 by Proxyrack

The experts at Proxyrack looked at the Basel AML Index scores, NCSI scores, cybersecurity exposure index scores, the digital development levels and the number of cyber legislations and laws across the world’s developed countries to reveal the countries most (and least) at risk of cybercrime.

Top 10 countries most at risk of cybercrime:
Rank Country Basel AML Index NCSI Cybersecurity Exposure Index Digital Development Level Number of Cyber Legislations and Laws Cybercrime Risk Score
1 Panama 5.81 50.65 0.569 48.43 3 9.70
2 Thailand 5.80 64.94 0.445 56.63 4 8.83
3 Belarus 5.21 53.25 0.614 62.33 4 8.78
4 Costa Rica 4.58 49.35 0.438 58.87 5 8.22
5 United Arab Emirates 5.70 40.26 0.359 68.87 4 8.18
6 Uruguay 4.07 59.74 0.348 63.86 2 7.65
6 Mauritius 5.03 44.16 0.200 53.57 4 7.65
8 Georgia 4.64 64.94 0.383 53.50 6 7.61
9 Chile 4.03 59.74 0.469 61.44 5 7.48
10 Saudi Arabia 5.28 84.42 0.390 63.89 3 7.43
Taking the top spot is Panama. Panama’s cybersecurity consistently scored poorly, with the worst digital development level and Basel AML Index. Panama also had one of the highest cyber security exposure scores.

In second place, Thailand’s cyber security was consistently poor across our factors, with its digital development and Basel AML index among the worst of its scores.

Our top three is completed by Belarus, which has the worst cybersecurity exposure score of any country on our list and one of the worst digital development levels.

Top 10 cyber-secure countries:
Rank Country Basel AML Index NCSI Cybersecurity Exposure Index Digital Development Level Number of Cyber Legislations and Laws Cybercrime Risk Score
1 Denmark 3.56 84.42 0.117 82.68 7 1.87
2 Sweden 3.12 84.42 0.210 81.51 8 1.96
3 Finland 2.88 85.71 0.110 78.35 6 2.00
4 France 3.52 84.42 0.228 77.29 11 2.17
5 Germany 4.21 90.91 0.241 80.01 10 2.26
6 United Kingdom 3.63 89.61 0.207 79.96 7 2.30
7 Norway 3.50 67.53 0.134 80.19 8 2.52
8 Spain 3.88 88.31 0.210 72.21 7 3.22
9 United States 4.32 64.94 0.145 81.05 9 3.26
10 Canada 4.25 70.13 0.207 75.96 10 3.39
Taking the top spot is Denmark. The Danish government adopted a national cyber and information security strategy in 2022, and this emphasis is shown across all our factors. Particularly in terms of its high digital development and low cybersecurity exposure index, which were among some of the best scores on our list.

In second place is Sweden, whose national strategy for cyber security was launched in 2017, with one in five people estimated to have been exposed to cybercrime. Sweden’s Basel AML index and digital development were among the best of its scores.

Finland takes third place. Finland is another country with a strong emphasis on cyber security. The Finnish government has established a strategy with ten objectives, one of which is actively participating in international discussions and cooperation on cybersecurity.

Further findings:
• Cybercrime in the UAE is one of the most costly in the world, with each incident estimated to cost $2.6 million on average.
• Belarus is the most exposed country to cybercrime.
• Uruguay, South Korea, and Switzerland have fewer cyber legislations and laws than any other developed country

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