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AquaQ Analytics today releases version 2.0 of the AquaQ TorQ Framework+ for kdb

mai 2015 par Marc Jacob

Based on customer feedback this update has focused on the day to day tasks associated with managing any real life kdb+ based application and significantly improves functionality relating to process monitoring, reporting and data management.

In conjunction with this release, we’ve provided a "Finance Starter Pack" containing a working data capture system with a sample feed.

This pack is designed to show potential users how a production quality data capture system can be easily and quickly built on top of the current TorQ release, and serves as a baseline initial implementation.

In line with the direction taken by Kx Systems the entire repository has been made available on Github, allowing users to continue to provide feedback and code contributions.

A public webinar has been scheduled for June where one of the senior TorQ architects will walk through new functionality in the latest release as well as discussing the direction of TorQ and upcoming functionality.

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