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Unsubscribe Expands its Partnership with Kolibrić Telecom

August 2023 by Marc Jacob, a cloud networking company delivering software-defined infrastructure, has expanded its partnership with Kolibrić Telecom, an international network service carrier, to deliver ultra-low latency fibre connectivity across Europe and the Americas. The expansion of the relationship is a result of the growing demand for networking options with higher performance and reliability across less populated markets.

In 2022, and Kolibrić delivered its first ultra-low latency route between Istanbul and Frankfurt. The new routes across the Americas will be backed by strict SLAs focused on ensuring application performance and network availability. The companies collaborated to identify and design the lowest latency fibre routes, taking into account specific end-customer requirements in the new markets. is providing end-to-end proactive network management and turn key support ensuring maximum performance and uptime. Kolibrić and are continuing to collaborate to identify and design the lowest latency fibre routes, taking into account specific end customer requirements.

Kolibrić provides a full range of telco products worldwide, including IP Transit, Private Network, Dark Fiber Solutions, Colocation and Data Transit Capacity. Its lengthy market experience and unique infrastructure enable it to make tailored decisions for every client.

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