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Volterra launches distributed cloud platform for deploying, connecting and securing applications

November 2019 by Marc Jacob

Volterra, an innovator in distributed cloud services, today announced the launch of a comprehensive SaaS-based platform that enables organisations to centrally deploy and manage applications distributed across multiple clouds and edge locations. This launch follows two years of stealth operations, when Volterra secured $50 million in funding. Investors include top-tier venture capital firms Khosla Ventures, Mayfield and M12 (Microsoft’s venture fund) as well as a growing set of strategic investors/partners including Itochu Technology Ventures and Samsung NEXT. Volterra’s launch comes in a period of rapid expansion for the company, during which it has grown to employ more than 100 engineers and serve over 30 customers.

Seasoned technology executive and entrepreneur Ankur Singla founded Volterra to address the rapidly growing trend of data and applications residing outside corporate data centres.

Gartner expects that “by 2022 more than 50% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed outside the data center or cloud.”1 This transition will drive increasingly distributed deployments of applications and data, along with a highly varied set of infrastructures. Nowhere will this be more visible than the evolution away from centralised data centres. Again, by the year 2022, Gartner expects that “the majority of enterprise data to be produced and processed outside of data centers, and it is conceivable that will grow to 75%, 80% or 90% by 2025.”1

To address the major challenges that will result from widely distributed applications and diverse infrastructure, Volterra has innovated a consistent, cloud-native environment that can be deployed across multiple public clouds and edge sites as a distributed cloud platform. Within this SaaS-based offering, Volterra integrates a broad range of services that have normally been siloed across many point products and network or cloud providers, including:
1) Fleet-wide management of distributed applications and data across heterogeneous infrastructures
2) Globally distributed control plane with Kubernetes APIs for application orchestration and multi-layer security for workloads and data
3) Comprehensive compute, storage, networking and security for distributed edge locations
4) Secure, high-performance global connectivity across edge sites, private clouds and multi-cloud

Transitioning to a consistent operating model across cloud and edge environments has become a top priority for infrastructure and DevOps teams. A new Propeller Insights research report, which surveyed 400 senior IT decision makers, notes that 71% of respondents cited a “consistent cloud operational experience between the edge and public/private clouds” as very important, and a total of 98% cited important or very important. When asked about their top requirements for edge infrastructure and application management, the majority of research respondents cited “easily (and cost-effectively) connect to public and private clouds” and “be cloud-native, managed/operated like a cloud” as their key priorities.

The Volterra platform explained

The Volterra platform comprises three SaaS-based components:
VoltStack, VoltMesh and Volterra Console, which together provide a distributed cloud platform for deploying and operating applications and data across multi-cloud and edge environments.
1. VoltStack deploys and manages distributed applications across multiple clouds or edge sites using industry standard Kubernetes APIs
2. VoltMesh delivers high performance networking and zero-trust security between multiple clouds and edge sites
3. Volterra Console is a management console for deploying and operating distributed applications at a global scale with centralised control and observability

The Volterra distributed cloud platform can be used across three sets of solutions to enable a wide range of use cases:
1. Edge cloud — edge app management, secure edge gateway
2. Multi-cloud — multi-cluster secure mesh, secure Kubernetes gateway, multi-cloud app management, app and network services consolidation
3. Network cloud — application security and acceleration, network edge applications, secure cloud network with DMZ

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