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Vigil@nce: PHP 4, several vulnerabilities

September 2008 by Vigil@nce


An attacker can use several vulnerabilities of PHP in order to
create a denial of service or to execute code.

Gravity: 2/4

Consequences: user access/rights, denial of service of service

Provenance: internet client

Means of attack: no proof of concept, no attack

Ability of attacker: expert (4/4)

Confidence: confirmed by the editor (5/5)

Diffusion of the vulnerable configuration: high (3/3)

Creation date: 04/09/2008

Identifier: VIGILANCE-VUL-8085


 PHP [confidential versions]
 Slackware Linux [confidential versions]


Several vulnerabilities were announced in PHP 5.

When attacker can change the PCRE regular expression, he can
corrupt its memory in order for example to execute code
[grav:1/4; BID-27786, CVE-2008-0674]

When attacker can change the PCRE regular expression, he can
corrupt its memory in order for example to execute code
[grav:1/4; BID-30087, CVE-2008-2371]

An attacker can generate an overflow in memnstr(). [grav:2/4]

An attacker can create a malicious font in order to create a
denial of service in imageloadfont(). [grav:1/4]

A local attacker can use cURL functions to read files by bypassing
safe mode restrictions (VIGILANCE-VUL-7524 (
[grav:1/4; BID-27413, CVE-2007-4850]

An attacker can set mbstring.func_overload in .htaccess in order
to overwrite the global configuration. [grav:1/4]

These vulnerabilities are local or remote depending on the context.


Identifiers: BID-27413, BID-27786, BID-30087, CVE-2007-4850,
CVE-2008-0674, CVE-2008-2371, SSA:2008-247-01, VIGILANCE-VUL-8085

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