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The Madrid Hospital Group selects SeMarket and Sun Microsystems for an innovative Identity management and Biometric project

February 2009 by Marc Jacob

The Madrid Hospital Group, which is composed of four hospitals (Madrid, Montepríncipe, Torrelodones and Sanchinarro) an integral oncology centre and 9 general hospitals all situated in the Madrid Community, has selected SeMarket and Sun Microsystems to establish an identity management and Single Sign On system. The project which will be implemented by SeMarket will enable the secure authentication of both employees and patients of the Group by using fingerprint biometrics while taking into account the norms and policies linked to access control systems.

The Sun Identity Manager technology belonging to Sun Microsystems will be centralised and will help in improving and managing the multiple addition and removal of employees and the inclusion of temporary workers at each centre, at the same time it will be necessary to assign the corresponding permissions for each person. Both patients and employees will authenticate themselves at the different access points and applications using fingerprint biometrics, which will eliminate the risk of supplanting identities. This solution will also resolve the problem of duplicating identities which at times has occurred in the hospital centres due to errors made in the collection of data due to the elevated numbers of patients.

José Manuel Rodríguez, Software Director at Sun Microsystems Iberia, said that "this project answers the worries of the Madrid Hospitals in working with secure systems and platforms, which is a critical factor in their activity. The solution, which Sun and SeMarket have provided the Group with, aims to improve the Group’s current information systems and to provide the organisation with efficiency, security and a unification of patient and employee identities and data.”

A smart card will also be offered to employees; this will act as their own personal and corporative identification system, and will include their biometric data, a digital certificate will also be included to offer the possibility of using electronic signature services.

"This project complies clearly with our objectives in positioning ourselves as a leading Hospital at the vanguard of technology enabling us to improve productivity by reducing time, controlling risk, legal compliance as well as an increasing the quality of services to our employees and patients” according to Sergio García, IT Director for the Madrid Hospital Group.

Guillermo G. Morales, CEO at SeMarket, states that “the prior work done with the Madrid Hospital Group was extremely important, this aided the client in that they were able to see for themselves the benefits that we were offering and to rely on us as their supplier”.

The Madrid Hospital Group (Group HM) has more than 1,600 personnel. It has an excellent reputation in the sector due its highly skilled workforce, as well as being equipped with the latest technology.

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