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Tanium announced the launch of Tanium Benchmark

October 2022 by Marc Jacob

 Tanium announced the launch of Tanium Benchmark, an industry-first solution that delivers real-time, holistic assessments of the security and operational risks associated with connected endpoints, empowering teams to prioritize efforts, collaborate effectively, and take risk-mitigation action while reducing IT costs and complexity.

Benchmark, powered by the Tanium XEM platform, determines real-time risk scores by analysing up-to-date, comprehensive data from millions of endpoints across Tanium’s global customer base. Benchmark compares a customer’s endpoint metrics against their industry peers to establish a baseline for ongoing measurement and evaluation. Benchmark also enables IT operations, risk, and security teams to provide corporate board members and executive leadership with just-in-time data to make more informed decisions.

Customer IT and operations teams can utilise Tanium Benchmark findings to manage and track the current state of endpoints and mitigate risk proactively based on more than 20 different metrics including vulnerability, outstanding patches, and lateral movement risk.

Get your no-cost risk assessment now to experience the peace of mind that Tanium Benchmark delivers and make the most of your technology investments.

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