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Police and Schools fighting back to end cyber bullying

February 2014 by

Integritie announces the release of SMC4 Observer a break through social media content analytics technology that provides real time detection of inappropriate and risky social media communications, enabling Schools and Police to take immediate action to stamp out bullying and other threats to children.

Michael Veenswyk, CEO and Founder of Integritie comments: ’Every day there are thousands of posts on social media sites that contain nasty messages called cyber bullying, which consist of threats and abusive communications. It is important that parents, school administrators and the Police are immediately made aware of cyber bullying risks in order to protect children from harm and threats, while also providing authorities the information required to identify the bullies and take appropriate action.’

Anti cyber bully organizations are reporting that more that 30% of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and approximately the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. The suicide of 12 year old Rebecca Sedwick in 2013 from cyber bullying was the catalyst for Veenswyk to take direct action to refocus the Integritie Social Media tool development. As a tribute to Rebecca, Integritie has donated a 100,000 user SMC4 Observer solution to two counties directly linked to Rebecca’s story.

Veenswyk adds, that put simply Police and Schools do have a legal responsibility to adolescents and teens but lacked the tools, which SMC4 Observer resolves. Regainyourname published a web report outlining the Cyber Bully laws by country and state, highlighting what laws to quote and use when talking with police and law enforcement about social media harassment, cyber bullying, stalking or threats.

To demonstrate SMC4 Observer, Integritie will be holding presentations in Boston, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Washington DC in March. Details can be seen on the Events page.

About SMC4 Observer

SMC4 Observer is a Cloud based social media real time monitoring and content analytics tool that highlights and escalates cyber bullying risks to authorities, providing priority risk assessment and early warning signs regarding bullying, drug use, gang culture, health and other issues discussed via social media tools. SMC4 can automatically hide or delete inappropriate and offensive comments from social media pages, providing a safe social media experience from predators and undesirable communicators.

SMC4 provides real time reporting to enable school officials to deal with the cyber issues. SMC4 takes into account the frequency and severity of student’s posts and categorizes them based on the comprehensive SMC4 social media content analytics and risk levels associated to self harm, suicide, bullying, drugs, profanities, racism, sexism, hate, violence and other risks. SMC4 includes comprehensive social media communication archiving tools, keeping a secure record and archive of crime for Schools and Authorities to support legal procedures.

Veenswyk says, there is a ongoing debate regarding the USA NSA mass surveillance concerns and how SMC4 is different, the difference is Observer does not look at individuals, it is searching for concerning words, phrases and social content, which is then linked to a region, school or police agency, then linking the risks to a situation and individual at risk.

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