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Keeper Security announces a new open source project for software developers and DevOps

October 2023 by Marc Jacob

Keeper Security announces a new open source project for software developers and DevOps to easily and securely sign git commits with their Keeper vault. Through Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM), users can now use Secure Shell (SSH) keys stored in their Keeper Vault to digitally sign commits to confirm the authenticity of their code.

Git is a version control system that tracks changes in your software projects, and a git commit is a snapshot of these changes at a specific point in time, accompanied by a brief message describing the modifications. Keeper and developers at The Migus Group teamed up to create the open-source solution to sign git commits using the SSH keys stored in a user’s Keeper Vault. The integration provides developers with a secure and encrypted repository for their SSH keys and removes the practice of storing them on disk, both increasing security and streamlining DevOps workflows.

The rise in software supply chain attacks highlights the need for organizations to prioritize security around the software supply chain. Signing git commits is a recommended best practice for developers to confirm the authenticity and integrity of code releases. As developers sign commits with SSH keys, they are provided with cryptographic proof of authorship, which helps secure the supply chain by assuring users the software originates from a legitimate source and remains unaltered since its signing. Digital signatures can also feed into a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) to indicate whether a line-item in the SBOM is trusted, depending on the code signature status.

The SSH keys for signing commits are secured in KSM, a fully managed cloud-based, zero-knowledge platform for securing infrastructure secrets such as API keys, database passwords, SSH keys, certificates and any type of confidential data. KSM eliminates secrets sprawl by removing hard-coded credentials from source code, config files and CI/CD systems. The fully managed, cloud-based and IT friendly solution was named an overall leader on the 2023 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Secrets Management. KSM is supported on Windows, MacOS and Linux. It utilizes a zero-knowledge security architecture and is highly secure with ISO 27001 and SOC 2 compliance, as well as FedRAMP and StateRAMP Authorization, among numerous other certifications.

Keeper’s integration helps support a broader government and industry effort to bring increased security and visibility to the open source community. The ease of providing a cryptographic digital signature allows developers to validate that the software in use is exactly what it is claiming to be and enhances security for both developers and end-users alike.

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