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IASME Consortium to deliver UK Government backed Counter Fraud Fundamentals Certification using Crossword Cybersecurity’s Rizikon platform

March 2021 by Marc Jacob

Crossword Cybersecurity Plc announced that, in addition to the Internet of Things security certification as announced on 25 November 2020, The IASME Consortium Limited (“IASME”), UK Government Cyber Essentials Partner, has selected Rizikon Assurance as the core platform to support a new Counter Fraud Fundamentals certification which has received government funding.

IASME, has a proven record for delivering recognised certifications and is scaling its portfolio to include a new Counter Fraud Fundamentals Certification (“CFF”). The CFF scheme certifies companies against controls developed by a team of counter fraud experts and covers the basic counter fraud controls for organisations of all sizes. They include oversight and control, protection, and detection, response, and recovery, data management and analytics of businesses. The process of certification will help prepare and protect a wide range of companies, from the up-and-coming challenger banks, to innovative fintech companies, insurance and retail sector organisations.

The CFF certification will provide customers, and those within an organisation’s supply chain, with the assurance that the most important counter fraud measures are in place, protecting their money and information. IASME has identified Rizikon Assurance, Crossword’s secure third-party assurance platform, as the solution to deliver the new CFF certification at scale, supporting IASME’s certification bodies and prospective certified customers alike.

Tom Ilube CBE, CEO at Crossword Cybersecurity PLC, said: “It is excellent news to be able to support IASME once again, with the roll out of another innovative certification programme. The Government backed Counter Fraud Fundamentals certification will help give customers confidence when choosing a provider, that they are well protected against fraud. Supporting this certification will also further strengthen our excellent relationship with IASME.”

Dr Emma Philpott MBE, CEO, IASME Consortium, said: “We are pleased to have Crossword working with us on this new initiative, as well as our recently launched IoT certification. Their Rizikon platform is proving easy to use and we are very happy to continue to grow our partnership with Crossword.”

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