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Dot Hill Reduces Cost-per-Gigabyte of Storage with New 4TB Disk Options

May 2013 by Emmanuelle Lamandé

Dot Hill Systems Corp. announced AssuredSAN™ and AssuredSAN Pro storage solutions. Supporting raw capacities of up to 384TB, Dot Hill storage arrays now provide customers with significantly lower cost-per-gigabyte options than ever before.

In line with its strategy to deliver superior storage performance, Dot Hill has standardised on the SAS interface for all hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs). SAS is a better high performance controller option within the storage system compared to SATA. When compared to comparable SATA alternatives, SAS 7K drives feature several distinct advantages including: improved command queuing, dual port paths, full duplex data transmission and more robust error detection and correction.

In addition to savings in cost-per-gigabyte, AssuredSAN arrays also are energy efficient. AssuredSAN solutions feature a number of eco-friendly enhancements such as drive spin-down capability and 595-watt 80 PLUS-rated (greater than 80 percent energy efficiency) power supplies for reduced operating costs. Additionally, AssuredSAN arrays also feature Dot Hill’s patented EcoStor™ "green" battery-free alternative for cache memory, which leverages a combination of super capacitors and flash memory that outlasts traditional batteries nearly fivefold.

Pricing and Availability

4TB drives are available today for all current Dot Hill AssuredSAN and AssuredSAN Pro solutions. Average selling prices are expected to begin at $17,684 for an AssuredSAN 2333 populated with twelve 4TB drives.

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