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Certificate in Cyber Security-Threat Detection

February 2017 by Marc Jacob

Learn how to protect the security and integrity of the data of your organization by earning the International Certificate in Cyber Security-Threat Detection.

Protecting the security and integrity of data is becoming ever more vital for businesses and organizations worldwide. As a graduate of the Certificate in Cyber Security-Threat Detection program, you will have an understanding of the Cyber Security infrastructure as well as the laws and policies dealing with cyber crime. You will examine various methods that are used to threaten cyber systems. As a successful graduate you are able to effectively propose solutions to securing cyber networks and to ensure the online security of your company.

The Certificate in Cyber Security-Threat Detection focuses on the knowledge and tools necessary to address the increasing demand on corporate and governmental organizations to improve the security of their cyber content. The Certificate provides an understanding of current Cyber Security threats, the phraseology and terminology used, as well as the various roles, responsibilities and tools related to the detection of cyber threats.

The Certificate is targeted at those who want to secure their enterprise and their future - whether you are working as a professional in the public or private sector. When you are an IT Manager, security specialist, technology manager or policy maker, this is the Certificate course for you to protect the security and integrity of the data of your company.

Organiser: IMF Academy
Location: London (United Kingdom) or ‘s-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands)

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