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Peak Data signs a Master Distributor Agreement with Hi-Stor in the USA and Canada

septembre 2008 par Marc Jacob

PeakData LLC, a value added reseller of storage systems and storage management software solutions and services to enterprise customers, has signed a Master Distributor Agreement with Hi-Stor, a leading provider of high impact storage management software solutions.

Through this agreement, the PeakData sales force will be able to offer to its U.S. customers and channel partners the StorSentryTM solution along with its comprehensive storage solutions and services portfolio. In particular, PeakData is also to become a certified partner of Hi-Stor to deliver local services and level 1 support to its U.S. and Canadian customers.

The Hi-Stor U.S. team will collaborate with PeakData to deliver service quality improvement through a complete solution (consulting, software, services and support) for the tape storage environment of enterprise IT customers.

Hi-Stor’s StorSentry™ provides a comprehensive solution for managing proactively the quality and the performance of large tape automation storage infrastructures. While minimizing risks and optimizing resources, StorSentryTM also meets the need for green solutions in large data centers.

This agreement is immediately operational for the sales part as of September 2008.

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