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Nokia deploys data center switching solution to prepare OpenColo for growing colocation services

May 2021 by Marc Jacob

Nokia announced it is providing the 7220 Interconnect Router (IXR) for data center switching platforms and SR Linux, its network operating system (NOS), to OpenColo, an international colocation provider. Deploying Nokia’s solution gives OpenColo the scalable data center switching it needs to support its growing colocation and hosting operations to support future 5G, AI and IoT services.

The Nokia data center switching solution comprises SR Linux, an open Linux based NOS and a NetOps development toolkit that helps automate data center network operations to improve operational efficiency while reducing risk. The services that OpenColo supports using the Nokia data center switching solution include bare metal and managed servers, cloud streaming and data center connectivity.

OpenColo is also using the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) to interconnect its data centers using dual optical fiber connections running at 100Gbps. OpenColo has also installed the Nokia 7750 Service Router (SR), based on Nokia FP4 silicon, to provide IP routing within and between its data centers, including peering and interconnection to multiple service providers.

SR Linux and the 7750 SR share the same proven routing protocols from the Nokia Service Router Operating System (SR OS). This enables OpenColo to offer its customers more reliable and stable data center switching and internet connectivity, as well as the ability to handle future data center and peering traffic needs.

Scott Brookshire, CTO of Energy Group Networks, parent company of OpenColo, said: “Nokia and its SR Linux was an easy choice. We wanted a solution that was extensible, open, supported telemetry and gNMI, and was provided by a company that transforms networking both on the hardware and software side. Even more, we needed a partner that understands our needs and can work very closely with us to reimagine our architecture and solve some of our biggest problems. We also appreciated that Nokia builds and supports its hardware, so we have a single vendor to manage and work with should we ever run into problems.”

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