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LTO Tape Library NEOxl 40 now available with a whopping storage capacity of up to 28.8 petabytes

July 2023 by Marc Jacob

Overland-Tandberg announced the expansion of its NEOxl 40 series tape library, increasing the maximum number of supported expansion modules from 6 to 15, for a total storage capacity of up to 28.8 PB and 640 LTO cartridge slots.

Overland-Tandberg’s NEOxl 40 is the compact and scalable backup and archiving solution for midrange and enterprise organizations. It provides effortless, automated data protection that combines flexibility, density, performance, and affordability.

With support for up to 15 expansion modules and for up to 640 cartridge slots, the NEOxl 40 is more customizable than ever to meet any need and is the ideal choice for organizations that want to protect their data quickly, intelligently, easily, and cost-effectively.

All NEOxl 40 libraries shipping now can be equipped with the up to 15 expansion modules. Existing installations can be upgraded to the same level with a 48U spooling kit and firmware upgrade.

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