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Following the Domino’s Pizza hack story, the comment from George Anderson, Webroot

June 2014 by George Anderson, Director at Webroot

“It is reassuring to see that companies that find themselves targeted by hackers looking to make a quick buck are refusing to pay up. After all, when it comes to data theft, there is no guarantee the hackers wouldn’t release the data, even if ransom was paid, as they may equally accept the money and then try to sell the data on illegal forums, in hope of doubling their profits.

“This is slightly different to what we saw last week, when Feedly and Evernote were targeted by DDoS extortion attacks. Usually, organisations that give in and pay are spared being DDoSed – but only because following through with a DDoS attack requires slightly more effort on the hackers’ side, than publishing the data that has already been downloaded.

“However, companies that fall victim to money extortion attacks should under no circumstances agree to play by hackers’ terms. Instead, organisations that hold customer data should ensure they maintain a structured, multi-layered approach to security spanning data encryption through to security software that is updated and reviewed on a regular basis, to limit their chances of becoming an easy extortion target.”

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